Thursday, October 9, 2008

An Eye Opener

Back in June of 2008 we were presented an opportunity to make a visit to one of the two remaining greyhound racing tracks Massachusetts. We had adopted Magic four years ago thinking we had "saved" or "rescued" him from a miserable existence. I was ready to get a first hand look at how our "poor puppy" had been treated.

We were met by the volunteer coordinator and given an overview of our day and then brought to the weigh in area where all the dogs are brought before racing. Here I learned that the dogs are weighed in and checked by both the track veterinarian as well as the state racing commission vet. After they are weighed and examined, they are placed in kennel crates-- one dog per crate with the measurements which were set by the MSPCA and Grey2K USA-- to await their chance to race. I was shocked at the level of security and the regulations that help to insure the safety of the dogs.

We were then taken to the post race area where the dogs are brought to cool down. They are walked by their handlers after the race so that they can relax their muscles, get some fresh cold water, a bath to clean any dust off their coat, paws. They even get their eyes washed out as well. There is another area sectioned off and controlled by the state racing commission. This is where they bring dogs selected at random for urine testing.

We were told about the training and schooling that the dogs go through, the selective breeding process which is also very tightly regulated to prevent inbreeding and over breeding. We were given an opportunity to ask questions and express our concerns and receive honest and straight forward answers.

We took a break for lunch and had the opportunity to watch a couple of the races. This was a first for us. We had seen our own retired racer sprint and run with some of his greyhound friends. Nothing compares to the beauty of these dogs at full speed. It is truly amazing and even more so that they really seem to enjoy doing it. As we watched the dogs walk to the starting gate I could see that they were excited. It was a beautiful sight-- seeing these dogs do that which they were created to do.

After lunch we paid a visit to one of the kennels. Now I was ready to see the horrible conditions we have been told about. The turn out area was clean and free of any piles of waste. There was an odor of dogs, we were, after all in a a kennel, but it was not a foul smell. The trainer allowed us to let several of the dogs out of their crates a couple at a time. All of them were very happy and playful. Not one seemed skittish or scared at all! If a dog is abused, you can usually tell by the way it acts around its owner, and also around strangers. Happy, friendly and playful. Every last one of them.

The trainer told us about his days, often twelve to fourteen hours long. You can see his love for the dogs and their love for him in their interactions. The kennel and the crates are cleaned every day. (I wish our house was cleaned that often!) They are subject to unannounced inspections by the State Police and MSPCA.

I came away with a different opinion that day.

If Ballot Question 3 passes, Massachusetts will lose over a thousand more jobs, an average of 4 million dollars per year in taxes and fees, the businesses surrounding the tracks will also also experience negative effects. The Greyhound breed as we know it, will eventually cease to exist, and it is this that saddens me most of all. Greyhounds are unlike any other dog I have ever had.

Please, vote NO on question 3.


Anonymous said...

Interesting...did you know that according to a US census study the Raynham track and another non-dog racing track in the same area employ between 125 and 249 people (not nearly 1,000)? Did you also know that the MSPCA did not recommend a cage size for the dogs? For more information regarding the truth about dog racing please visit

Anonymous said...

To the previous commenter:
That census study was dated 2002, got anything more recent??? Let's go for the real facts for a change: 833 employed at RT and 305 at WO. Magic, thanks for taking the time to visit the track and the kennel to see things for yourself. Your blog is great- keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the updated numbers...and where are they from? Do they include the people that race dogs in MA as well as other states? If so it sounds like padded numbers. Also, nothing to say about the cage sizes? They should really stop mentioning that since it is not true. I have been to the track several times as well and I did not see 100 people, nevermind 833 people working there. It was also nice to let Magic have a tour since nobody has let the press do that. Wonder why that is?

nhbill54 said...

Thank you for your thoughtful post! As to grey2k anonymous poster the Mass State Racing Commission has stated that grey2k and other agencies were consulted about the Racing Rules that the tracks operate under. The litany that is preached over and over is cages, actually crates and injuries. Greyhounds have enough room to stand turn around and stretch out in these crates. What do the greyhounds do when they are not being excersized, groomed, fed, training for racing or actually racing? Why they sleep!! As do most house dogs when left alone crated or not crated. As to injuries: Nobody likes them. The percentage of injuries is miniscule. The press has been allowed to spend time with the whole track operation at Wonderland. There was a feature article in the Boston Sunday Globe before the 2000 attempt to end greyhound racing. The number of jobs should also include those that supply the racing industry, etc. etc. Yes, I am an industry insider, lol. I have been in the racing industry for many years. Before racing I was an obedience trainer and behavior problem specialist. Again, thank you "A Greyhound" for this thoughtful post.