Many people wrote to me saying that I was wrong when I accused Christine Dorchak and Carey Theil of being extremist wackos associated with P.E.T.A. but I stood my ground. They have recently announced a big shindig to celebrate the end of greyhound racing in New England. How do animal rights extremists party?
"What: Three-course vegan dinner with a selection of tea and cakes. " Seriously. Its on their website.
YUMMY huh?
Don't get me wrong. I myself eat and appreciate vegetarian and vegan foods for several weeks at a time throughout the year, as my family tries to follow the guidelines of fasting and abstinence of our Orthodox Christian faith. I have friends that are vegitarians for health reasons and their own principles. I respect that.
What I cannot accept is forcing ones personal beliefs on others. You can be certain that if organizations like P.E.T.A. and Grey2k continue to chip away at their goal to eliminate all companion animals, they will take the next step to force the entire population to eat only a vegan diet. Of course if they achieve this, I don't know what the full time paid activists like Newkirk, Theil and Dorchak will do to earn a living. Perhaps they can work in some kind of rider on the legislation outlawing meat and animal products that will give them some sort of annual government stipend annually. Why not? I'm sure they will believe they have earned it.
HSUS and Greyhounds
6 years ago